Wilmslow Symphony Orchestra
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Joining the orchstra

From our concert programme page and our recent events page you will see that we perform a wide range of orchestral music, often requiring a large orchestra. There are always vacancies for good string players. New players are welcome at any time during the year. The range of music means that vacancies can also arise in the wind, brass and percussion sections. Concessionary subscription rates are available. Please contact our membership secretary Fiona Hughes with details of your instrument, standard of playing and orchestral background.

Rehearsals are held on Friday evenings from 7:30pm to 10:00pm in Handforth Youth Centre, Old Road, Handforth, SK9 3AZ. Old Road is off Station Road, turning left just beyond the station, not far from the centre of Handforth. Parking is available at the centre and in the public car park between Station Rd and South Acre Drive.

Map of Honford Hall


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Charity No. 507565

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